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Kalos Region
Official Map Artwork : Kalos
Pokémon Kalos Region
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
It was the sixth core series region to be introduced and is the setting of Pokémon X and Y and Pokémon Legends: Z-A. The games take place in the star-shaped Kalos region, one of many such regions across the fictional Pokémon world. Centered around beauty, the region is heavily inspired by Metropolitan France and, to a lesser extent, Europe as a whole. Many locations and landmarks across Kalos have real-world inspirations, including Prism Tower (Eiffel Tower), the Lumiose Art Museum (the Louvre) and the stones outside Geosenge Town (Carnac stones). Wild Pokémon inhabit every corner of the Kalos region, many of which are only known to appear in this area.
Similar to previous Pokémon games, X and Y both follow a linear storyline whose main events occur in a fixed order. The protagonist of Pokémon X and Y has just moved to a small town called Vaniville Town with their mother Grace. They soon befriend four trainers—Shauna, Tierno, Trevor and their rival Calem or Serena, —all of whom were called to meet Professor Augustine Sycamore who is the leading professor in the Kalos region in Lumiose City, the main city of Kalos. Receiving either Chespin, Fennekin or Froakie as their starter Pokémon from Tierno, the player begins their adventure. Along the way, they learn of Pokémon Gyms and receive their first badge for defeating Viola, the Santalune City Gym Leader. Thereafter, they encounter Sina and Dexio, assistants of Sycamore, who brings them to the professor himself; however, once in Lumiose City they discover the area to be suffering from a partial power outage. Upon meeting Sycamore in Lumiose City, the player is informed of Mega Evolution and he requests they travel across Kalos and uncover the mysteries behind it. He provides them with one of the Kanto region starter Pokémon and their respective Mega Stone. Before leaving Lumiose City, the player encounters an imposing man named Lysandre who desires a more beautiful world.
It is shaped like a five-pointed star, with one of its biggest cities being Lumiose City in the north-central part of the region. It features a vast network of rivers and waterways snaking through much of its landscape, cities and towns. North-east of Lumiose City lies a mountain range where more frigid temperatures exist, extending down into the plains below. Western Kalos features a vast ocean, where the shoreside city of Shalour City lies in the middle of a cove. Key locations:
Official Location Names: Kalos Region
Vaniville Town is where the Calem/Serena moves in the start of the game. It is home to Shauna and Serena/Calem, the opposite gender of the character the player chooses.
It is only a small town.
Aquacorde Town is where the hero/heroine meets all of their rivals and obtains their starter Pokémon as well as the Pokédex.
Santalune City is home to the Santalune City Gym and its Gym Leader, Viola, who specializes in Bug-type Pokémon. This the first city the character will encounter before entering the center of region, Lumiose City.
Lumiose City is the main city of Kalos. It is home to Alexa, a journalist and Gym Leader Viola's elder sister.
Lumiose City (Japanese: ミアレシティ Miare City) is a large city nestled in the north-central part of the Kalos region. It is a prominent central hub of the region and is the second most populous city in the Pokémon world.
The gym is located exactly in the center of the city, inside the Prism Tower. It's also home to Trevor, another rival of the player, and it is also where Professor Sycamore's Lab is located.
The Gym Leader, Clemont, specializes in Electric types. It is also the setting of Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
The Lumiose Gym (Japanese: ミアレジム Miare Gym), also known as the Prism Tower (Japanese: プリズムタワー Prism Tower), is the official Gym of Lumiose City. It is based on Electric-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Clemont. Trainers who manage to defeat him receive the Voltage Badge. The exterior of the Gym is based on the Eiffel Tower.
See Map: Image in Full.
Also known as the City of Light, Lumiose City has a unique structural design. It is a big, circular city that is divided into multiple sections:
South Boulevard, running the south edge of the city.
North Boulevard, running the north edge of the city.
Vernal Avenue, connecting the south to the center.
Estival Avenue, connecting the west to the center.
Autumnal Avenue, connecting the northwest to the center.
Hibernal Avenue, connecting the northeast to the center.
Bleu Plaza, connecting Vernal Avenue to Estival Avenue.
Magenta Plaza, connecting Estival Avenue to Autumnal Avenue.
Rouge Plaza, connecting Autumnal Avenue to Hibernal Avenue.
Jaune Plaza, connecting Hibernal Avenue to the southeast side of the canal.
Vert Plaza, connecting the southeast side of the canal to Vernal Avenue.
Centrico Plaza, being the center of the city.
A town with a barren castle that used to belong to a noble family. It is home to Cassius, the operator for the Kalos Pokémon Storage System.
A town home to the Ambrette Aquarium and the Fossil Lab.
Cyllage City is homage to the Rock-type Gym. The Gym Leader, Grant, specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. A Bicycle can also be obtained here.
A town that is home to mysterious ruins and is later revealed to be above the Ultimate Weapon that Team Flare utilizes.
Coumarine City is divided into two parts. First there is the coastal part where there are a couple of stands and a hotel. However, connected via monorail, is the cliff side part of Coumarine City.
This is where Ramos, the grass-type gym leader, awaits. This is also the place where you find Tierno when you complete the game. Here, you can buy incenses for 9,600 Poké money.
Laverre City is a small city located at the north of Kalos. It is a very rustic city and features quaint homes that are built around a forest. In the middle is an ancient tree that is said to be 1,500 years old. This is where Valerie, the fairy-type gym leader awaits.
A rural town with windmills and farms. It is home to the Move Deleter and Move Reminder.
Anistar City is a city located east of Kalos. The city is next to the sea and since it is close to Snowbelle City, it is a cold city. It is home to Olympia the Psychic-type gym leader. It also has an ancient sundial made out of crystal, a symbol of the city.
Snowbelle City is the last city where a Gym Leader resides. Wulfric, the Ice-type Gym Leader, awaits. Located in southeast Kalos, the city is more or less covered in snow.
According to the town map, its snowy condition originates from the local Gym where ventilators were installed pumping cold air to maintain a 'icy look' thus affecting the city. South of the city, the entrance to Route 20 is there.
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