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Pokémon Black & Pokémon White
Pokémon Black & White
Pokémon Black Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ブラック Pocket Monsters Black) and Pokémon White Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ホワイト Pocket Monsters White) are Nintendo DS games that are the first core series Pokémon games of Generation V. The games were released in Japan on September 18th, 2010, in Europe on March 4th, 2011, in North America on March 6th, 2011, and in Australia on March 10th, 2011. They take place in the Unova region. These games are enhanced on the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS families.
Pokémon Black and White follow the trends set by previous games in the series. Unlike previous games, Pokémon introduced prior to Generation V cannot be obtained before completing the main story by defeating Team Plasma. The games' names were revealed on the official Japanese Pokémon website on April 9th, 2010, and scans from the subsequent issue of the magazine leaked the following day, April 10th.
Pokémon Black and White were followed in 2012 by two sequels, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, which are set two years after the events of Black and White. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are the second and final paired versions of Generation V.
The graphics have been improved from Diamond and Pearl. The dialog boxes of previous games have been changed to speech balloons that appear over other characters' heads, allowing more than one character to speak at once. Japanese players can have kanji appear on screen, rather than only hiragana and katakana.
During battles, the sprites of the Pokémon are fully animated and the camera changes position to highlight specific parts of the battle. In addition to continuing the day and night cycle introduced in Gold and Silver, Black and White introduces a seasonal cycle, with the seasons advancing every month rather than being linked to the calendar. Outside areas appear differently depending on the season, such as changing of leaves in autumn or snow on the ground in winter. Certain areas are only accessible during certain seasons, and different Pokémon can be found in the wild in winter where others are encountered in the other seasons. The Pokémon Deerling and Sawsbuck change their physical appearance to match the seasons.
There are two new battle mechanics: Triple Battles and Rotation Battles. In Triple Battles, both teams must send out three Pokémon in a row at once; Some moves only allow Pokémon on the left or right side to attack the opponent's Pokémon on the same side or in the center. Changing position takes up one turn. In Rotation Battles, each side sends out three Pokémon at once, but they are arranged in a circle that can be rotated at will. Black has more Rotation Battles than Triple Battles, and the opposite is true in White. Another introduction is Combination Moves: a starter Pokémon can be taught one of three moves, and using them together in Double or Triple battles produces more powerful attacks. In the wild, walking through darker-colored tall grass can trigger Double Battles against wild Pokémon rather than only Single Battles with lighter-colored grass.
Occasionally, the player can find rustling patches of grass and rippling water, where they can encounter either a rare Pokémon, a Pokémon more common in the opposite game version, or the highest evolutionary form of a Pokémon whose lower forms can normally be found in the area. This is the only way to capture Pokémon such as Audino, Emolga, and Alomomola. Also, dust clouds in caves and the shadows of flying Pokémon on certain bridges can be entered to either find a rare item or encounter Drilbur, Excadrill, Ducklett, or Swanna, none of which can be found in the wild otherwise. Occasionally, when throwing a Poké Ball, the capture rate is highly increased, triggered by a random event. There are also new side-games and sidequests: the player can compete in Pokémon Musicals, a side-game similar to the Pokémon Contests of previous games; the Battle Subway, similar to the Battle Towers and Battle Frontiers of previous games; and on the Royal Unova, a cruise ship that the player can ride and fight Trainers aboard to win otherwise rare items.
Original Release: Pocket Monsters Black official Nintendo DS Case.
Mascot : Reshiram
Original Release: Pocket Monsters White official Nintendo DS Case.
Mascot : Zekrom
Pokémon Unova Region
The Unova region (Japanese: イッシュ地方 Isshu region)
Unova is the fifth main series region and is the setting of Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2. Unlike the previous regions, which were based on different islands around Japan, Unova was based on an area that spans two U.S. states and Islands: New York and New Jersey as well as Staten Island and Liberty Island. This land is distant from all other currently known regions and thus has different Pokémon.
Also because of this, the Route numbers restart at 1. For those who have not been playing the other games, this fact can be confusing. It has an incredibly varied landscape; with two mountain ranges, woodland areas, marshes and a desert spread across its islands. The map of Unova has nineteen major settlements, thirty-one places of interest and twenty-three routes marked on it.
In the sequel game, ice and snow have covered most of the region, changing its landscape and the towns located around it. There are also even different Gym Leaders from the previous game. A reason behind the change of landscape lay in the awakening of Reshiram and Zekrom in the previous adventure. Key locations:
Nuvema Town
Aspertia City
Floccesy Town
Virbank City
Accumula Town
Striaton City
Nacrene City
Castelia City
Nimbasa City
Anville Town
Driftveil City
Mistralton City
Lentimas Town
Icirrus City
Opelucid City
Humilau City
Unova Pokémon League
Lacunosa Town
Undella Town
Black City
White Forest
Places of Interest
Liberty Garden
P2 Laboratory
Wellspring Cave
Pinwheel Forest
Relic Castle
Cold Storage
Mistralton Cave
Chargestone Cave
Celestial Tower
Twist Mountain
Dragonspiral Tower
Moor of Icirrus
Pokéstar Studios
Pokémon World Tournament
Floccesy Ranch
Pledge Grove
Cave of Being
Clay Tunnel and Underground Ruins
Reversal Mountain
Plasma Frigate
Nature Preserve
Challenger's Cave
Victory Road (Unova)
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