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Pokémon Kalos Region [ROUTE FOUR]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Route 4 (Japanese: 4番道路 Route 4) is a route in central Kalos, connecting Santalune City and Lumiose City. The route is also known as Parterre Way (Japanese: パルテール街道 Parterre Highway).
Route description
The route is decorated with patches of different-colored flowers, hedge mazes, and a big fountain known as Perle Fountain standing in the center square, dedicated to acceptance and harmony. A group of Gardeners is in charge of taking care of the hedge mazes. At the north end of the route lies a gate leading to Lumiose City. This is where the player will, for the first time, meet Sina and Dexio, two assistants of Professor Sycamore, who will tell them about Flabébé and the Fairy type before leading them to Lumiose City.
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