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Pokémon Kalos Region [FROST CAVERN]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
The Frost Cavern (Japanese: フロストケイブ Frost Cave) is a cave located in the Kalos region to the north of Dendemille Town.
Located in a first-floor room accessible via stairs at the northwest end of the second floor of this cave is an Ice Rock, which will allow players to evolve their Eevee into Glaceon. On the upper level of the first floor, a female Ace Trainer will fully heal the player's Pokémon if talked to. A Photo Spot can be found before the cavern's entrance, where the player can get their picture taken by Phil the Photo Guy.
X Sp. Def ~ In the corner north of Artist Salvador (hidden)
Escape Rope ~ Just west of the cave entrance, facing northwest into the corner (hidden)
Heart Scale ~ Down the waterfall, immediately to the northeast (requires Surf and Waterfall)
TM71 (Stone Edge) ~ Down the waterfall, at the far east end of the river in a clearing on the south bank (requires Surf and Waterfall)
Ice Heal ~ On the stalagmite to the west of the entrance (hidden)
Dusk Ball ~ In the northeast, on the north wall of the corner west of Ace Trainer Neil (hidden)
Icy Rock ~ In the room with the Ice Rock, accessed via the stairs on 2F across the stream west of Battle Girl Kinsey (requires Surf)
Hyper Potion ~ South of the Ace Trainer girl who heals the player's Pokémon, in the west area accessed via 2F's main exit
Ice Heal ×2 ~ On the stalagmite on the right after sliding north from the main entrance to 2F (hidden)
North of Hiker Delmon
Dire Hit ~ On the left stalagmite in the dead-end area, accessed via the left staircase in the northeast of 1F (hidden)
Pearl ~ On the fifth stalagmite (counting north to south) in the ice west of Battle Girl Kinsey (hidden)
Max Repel ~ At the southeastern end of the ice west of Battle Girl Kinsey
Never-Melt Ice ~ In the southwest corner of 2F, at the end of the stream (requires Surf)
Super Potion ~ On the stalagmite on the right side of the corridor connecting the 1F and 3F staircases, accessed via the west area of 1F via the main exit of 2F (hidden)
TM79 (Frost Breath) ~ In a chamber accessed via the southeast staircase on 3F; reaching the TM requires the player to slide diagonally
Ether ~ In the middle of the ice on the west side of 3F
Elixir ~ In the area to the east of the main entrance to 3F, on the stalagmite next to Battle Girl Gabrielle (hidden)
Zinc ~ In the southeast of 3F, in the eastward branch of the path just north of the stairs to 2F
PP Up ~ On the north wall to the right of the pit near Abomasnow in the north of 3F (hidden)
Abomasite ~ Given by the Abomasnow after rescuing it from Team Flare
Scizorite ~ Behind the Abomasnow (post-game, between 8:00 and 8:59 PM; requires an upgraded Mega Ring)