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Pokémon Kalos Region [SNOWBELLE CITY]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Snowbelle City (Japanese: エイセツシティ Eisetsu City) is a city located in the Kalos region.
The city of everlasting winter. (Japanese:冬よりも冷たく凍る街 The city that freezes colder than winter.)
Places of interest
Snowbelle City Gym
The Snowbelle Gym is the official Gym of Snowbelle City, whose Gym Leader is Wulfric and specializes in Ice-type Pokémon.
In the first encounter for the Gym Badge, he will have a team of the following:
Ice Beam / Ice Shard / Energy Ball
Ice Beam / Confuse Ray / Flash Cannon / Hail
Avalanche / Crunch / Curse / Gyro Ball
Reward upon completion: $9,440
Olympia : Artwork, PSS icon, 3D Model from X & Y
Move Tutor
In the house southwest of the Gym, a Move Tutor will teach first partner Pokémon Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, and Hydro Cannon. Another Move Tutor is located in a house behind the Pokémon Center, just left of the Abomasnow. The Ace Trainer on the first floor will teach Secret Sword to Keldeo or Relic Song to Meloetta.
Photo Spot
A Photo Spot is located at the southern end of the city. The player can get their picture taken by Phil the Photo Guy by the Snowbelle Gym.
Pokémon X and Y
The population of Snowbelle City is 39, making it a medium-sized city.
Gracidea ~ From the Beauty in the Pokémon Center, if the player has a Shaymin in their party
TM08 (Bulk Up) ~ From the Battle Girl in the leftmost of the two houses north of the Pokémon Center
Revive ~ From the man in the house north and just east of the Gym, if the player shows him a Pokémon that knows Mat Block
Icy Rock ~ In the snow bank by the house north and just east of the Gym, five paces west of the house's door (hidden)
Full Restore ~ In the southwest corner of the city, down an ice slope south of the western bridge
X Sp. Atk ~ In the big tree southwest of the Gym, when standing in front of the house next to it (hidden)
Full Heal ~ On the snow bank at the end of the short path on the Gym's west side (hidden)
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