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Pokémon Kalos Region [ROUTE NINETEEN]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Route 19 (Japanese: 19番道路 Route 19) is a route in eastern Kalos, connecting Couriway Town and Snowbelle City. The route is also known as Grande Vallée Way (Japanese: ラルジュ・バレ通り Large Vallée Way).
Route description
The main path exits south from Couriway Town and immediately meets a three-way intersection. The player can turn west and venture to a boggy area where Surf is required for navigation; this is an isolated area of the route with various Trainers, and the player must return to this intersection to continue traveling along the route. Heading south allows the player to hop across some small platforms, ending at Fairy Tale Girl Lovelyn running back and forth. Taking the east path goes to a raised plateau including Sky Trainer Sera that eventually terminates at the same location with Lovelyn.
From this intersection, the player can head counterclockwise through the purple flowers and collect a PP Up. The other direction is west across a long bridge, where three of the player's rivals will battle them in a row on the first trip across as part of the storyline. On the other side of the bridge, which provides a panorama of the Surf area below, a simple path continues past more purple flowers and into the gate leading to Snowbelle City.
The weather on this route frequently turns rainy.
Net Ball ~ On the rock east of Hex Maniac Josette, south of the Couriway Town Gate (hidden)
Max Revive ~ In the middle of the pit of stone pillars
Damp Rock ~ Under a couple of leaves in the southeast corner of the swamp area, east of Rangers Ivy & Orrick (requires Surf) (hidden)
Rare Bone ~ In the southwest corner of the swamp area (requires Surf)
Escape Rope ~ On the rock next to Pokémon Ranger Clementine in the west part of the swamp area (requires Surf) (hidden)
Toxic Plate ~ In the far north, at the end of the swamp area (requires Surf and Strength)
PP Up ~ At the south end of the patch of yellow flowers at the top of the stairs at the end of the swamp area (requires Surf)
Yache Berry ~ In front of the Berry tree up the stairs and across the bridge at the end of the swamp area (requires Surf) (regenerates after 7 days)
TM36 (Sludge Bomb) ~ West of the Couriway Town Gate, accessible by traversing the swamp area (requires Surf)
Antidote ~ In the bare southeastern corner of the patch of purple flowers south of Sky Trainer Sera in the east (hidden)
HP Up ~ In the southeastern-most corner of the route
HM05 (Waterfall) ~ From Shauna after defeating her, Tierno, and Trevor on the bridge in the south
Timer Ball ~ In the bare northeast corner of the patch of purple flowers by the Snowbelle City Gate (hidden)
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