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Pokémon Kalos Region [LOST HOTEL]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
The Lost Hotel (Japanese: 荒れ果てホテル Desolate Hotel) is a former hotel in northern Kalos.
The legendary Roller Skater "Twirling Whirlwind" (also "the Dancing Whirlwind"; Japanese: 踊るつむじ風 Dancing Whirlwind, also ダンシングトルネード Dancing Tornado) can be found here. He is only accessible once the player knows the first four roller-skating tricks, and he will teach the player the fifth and final trick.
There are five trash cans in the Lost Hotel. Their locations are:
Route 15 side:
In the first hallway by the Punk Guy
West of the Punk Couple
Just right of the Twirling Whirlwind
Route 16 side:
On the east side of the room north of the south hall
In the far southwestern corner
If one of these trash cans is shaking, a Pokémon or an item can be found inside it.
The trash can west of the Punk Couple will contain a Pokémon or item every day, while the remaining four trash cans may only contain a Pokémon or item once a week, on Tuesdays. On Tuesdays, only three of those four trash cans will shake, while the last will remain empty. Both types of trash cans also contain different Pokémon and items (meaning, even on Tuesdays, the daily trash can will contain the same types of Pokémon and items as it does every other day).
Once a Pokémon or item has been found in a trash can, that trash can will not shake again for the rest of the day. Exactly what will be in a trash can is not set until it is opened, so soft resetting may yield a different item or Pokémon each time.
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