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Pokémon Kalos Region [COURIWAY TOWN]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Couriway Town (Japanese: レンリタウン Renri Town) is a town located in the Kalos region.
A town connecting differences. (Japanese: 異なり連なる町 A town connecting differences.)
Places of interest
Hotel Couriway
On the second floor of Hotel Couriway, a group of travelers will rotate in and out of the rooms. Any of the travelers not at Hotel Couriway on one day may be found at the hotels in Camphrier Town, Ambrette Town, Cyllage City, Geosenge Town, and Coumarine City.
Six travelers will rotate among the first room on a six-day cycle: a Hiker, a Waiter, a Madame, a Maid, a male Tourist, and a Backpacker (in that order); as the player talks to these travelers on different days (at any hotel), they will gradually open up to the player. A female Tourist who gives out Ribbons will also occupy the second room every Friday.
Mr. Bonding also initially occupies the third room, granting the player the Stealth Power O-Power when spoken to.
Photo Spot
A Photo Spot can be found right next to Hotel Couriway. The player can get their picture taken by Phil the Photo Guy in front of the waterfalls.
Pokémon X and Y
The population of Couriway Town is 21, making it a medium-sized town.
Pretty Wing ~ In the bush just south of the Pokémon Center (hidden)
Ether ~ In the corner of the first landing of the stairs east of the Pokémon Center (hidden)
TM89 (U-turn) ~ From the Madame at the train station, east of the Pokémon Center
Poké Ball ~ In between the two benches at the train station (hidden)
Rare Candy ~ At the east end of the train station
Revive ~ From the Schoolgirl in the house south of the Pokémon Center if the player has a Pokémon with Nuzzle in their party
Burn Heal ~ In front of the southern bench on the pier southeast of the Pokémon Center (hidden)
Miracle Seed ~ From the Beauty in the house by the Route 19 Gate if the player answers her quiz correctly (if the player chose Chespin)
Charcoal ~ From the Beauty in the house by the Route 19 Gate if the player answers her quiz correctly (if the player chose Fennekin)
Mystic Water ~ From the Beauty in the house by the Route 19 Gate if the player answers her quiz correctly (if the player chose Froakie)
TM55 (Scald) ~ From the Schoolgirl in the lobby of Hotel Couriway if the player answers her quiz correctly
Relax Ribbon ~ On 2F of Hotel Couriway, given to the player's lead Pokémon by a Tourist woman (Friday)
Fresh Water ~ From the man east of the hotel for $300 (daily)
Oran Berry ~ From the man east of the hotel after buying Fresh Water (daily)
Max Potion ~ In the corner by the three waterfalls northeast of the hotel
Prism Scale ~ On the isolated, single tile of land by the three waterfalls northeast of the hotel (hidden, reappears occasionally)
Gyaradosite ~ By the three waterfalls northeast of the hotel (post-game, between 8:00 and 8:59 PM; requires an upgraded Mega Ring)
TM80 (Rock Slide) ~ Up the waterfall southeast of the hotel (requires Surf and Waterfall)
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