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Pokémon Kalos Region [ROUTE TWENTY-TWO]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Route 22 (Japanese: 22番道路 Route 22) is a route in central Kalos, connecting Santalune City and Victory Road. The route is also known as Détourner Way (Japanese: デトルネ通り Détourner Way).
Route description
North of the route, a race track can partially be seen. Based on NPC statements, it can be surmised as a track for Rhyhorn racing. Opposite the entrance to Victory Road, there is a series of ledges which provides a shortcut to Santalune City. In the south of the route, there is a river and waterfall which leads to the Chamber of Emptiness and other Trainers.
Super Potion ~ West of the Victory Road Gate, over two ledges
Elixir ~ In the northwest of the route, north of Rising Star Louise (requires Cut)
Draco Plate ~ Up the second waterfall, east after descending the first (requires Surf and Waterfall)
Full Restore ~ In the westernmost small rock in the southern part of the area down the waterfall (requires Surf and Waterfall) (hidden)
Tanga Berry ~ In front of the Berry tree in the southeast of the area down the waterfall (requires Surf and Waterfall) (regenerates after 7 days)
Max Elixir ~ In the bush on the west side of the southeastern-most Strength depression (requires Surf, Waterfall, and Strength) (hidden)
TM26 (Earthquake) ~ In the northeast of the southern part of the area down the waterfall (requires Surf, Waterfall, and Strength)
Location Images : Kalos
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