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Pokémon Kalos Region [CAMPHRIER TOWN]
The Kalos region (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos region)
Camphrier Town (Japanese: コボクタウン Koboku Town) is a town located in the central Kalos region.
The northern part of town houses Shabboneau Castle, a large castle once home to a generous king, surrounded by a moat. The current caretaker of the castle is responsible for waking a sleeping Snorlax that appears on Route 7 once a year, using a Poké Flute. Hotel Camphrier is also located in the town, and offers a place for visitors to rest. The town is also home to Cassius, who operates the Kalos region's Pokémon Storage System. The cobblestone paths and tall, enclosing stone walls lend the town an atmosphere of age and history.
The citizens of Camphrier Town are known to be generous towards tourists, handing out welcoming gifts such as Berry Juice. Notably, the town also has a culture of Berry farming with the use of fertilizer on the Berry fields just outside of town. A Berry farming couple from Camphrier Town moved to the Alola region to promote this form of Berry farming, and can be found in the Berry fields on Melemele Island.
To the east of the town lies Route 5, while to its west lies Route 7.
A town where you can taste the ages. (Japanese: 枯れた味わいの町 A town with a feeling of deep age.)
Places of interest
Shabboneau Castle
Shabboneau Castle is a former manor that used to belong to a noble family, who had the habit of giving a lot of their possessions away, leaving the building very barren and empty.
The player and Shauna first visit the castle to ask its owner about Mega Evolution, but are unable to get any information, as the owner has no idea what Mega Evolution even is.
Name Rater
Kalos's Name Rater can be found inside the Pokémon Center of Camphrier Town.
Hotel Camphrier
On the second floor of Hotel Camphrier, a group of travelers will rotate in and out of the rooms. Any of the travelers not at Hotel Camphrier on one day may be found at the hotels in Ambrette Town, Cyllage City, Geosenge Town, Coumarine City, and Couriway Town.
Six travelers will rotate among the first room on a six-day cycle: a Hiker, a Waiter, a Madame, a Maid, a male Tourist, and a Backpacker (in that order); as the player talks to these travelers on different days (at any hotel), they will gradually open up to the player. A female Tourist who gives out Ribbons will also occupy the second room every Tuesday.
Mr. Bonding also initially occupies the third room, granting the player the Sp. Atk. Power O-Power when spoken to.
Pokémon X and Y
The population of Camphrier Town is 20, making it the medium sized town in Kalos.
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